Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nothing to See Here

Wednesday 12/16: Improved field line rendering. Learned a LOT about multitexturing, which I didn't end up using, but I will when it's time to render player numbers.

Thursday 12/17: Menu option size is now configurable. Added menu option for setting up a test environment. Idea: instead of spending too much time tweaking game speed and AI and everything now, I'll build a setting screen for all those variables, and then when I send it to testers they can play around with the options and tell me what they like.

Friday 12/18: Started unit testing my code. Code cleanup and reorganization.

Saturday 12/19: More code refactoring.

Monday 12/20: More code refactoring. Finally got unit testing to work...not sure why Apple had to make it so tough.  Since I haven't been writing much lately, I'll document everything I did to get it to work.

1. Read the apple doc on unit testing. Follow their instructions.
2. Tests won't run my code. After lots of googling, I figure out I need to add my objects to the test target (wasn't mentioned in the doc).
3. Apple doc doesn't cover debugging the tests. Look for how-to. Follow 10 steps of configuration settings.
4. Doesn't work. Google many possible solutions. None of them work.
5. Apparently google makes their own unit testing environment. (Obviously because the apple one doesn't really work). Run through their 10 setup steps.
6. Errors about missing some files. Added some more files their site failed to mention.
7. More errors. No one on the internet has heard of them before.
8. I restart xcode and everything works.

I doubt unit testing will hit the mainstream any time soon if IDE makers don't make it easy to use. But, it should be. It's pretty simple technology and it's almost 2010.

Tuesday 12/22: More of the same.

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