Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Virtual Axis

Making steady progress with the graphics...

Saturday 9/5: Made a skeleton for the model and bent it into a quick pose. Also made a basic texture with skin color. Got the model loaded and displaying. Added simple lighting. Made a better frisbee model and texture.

Sunday 9/6: Improvements to texture loading system. Gave the field a grass texture. Added hair and eyes to the player texture.

Monday 9/7: Filmed myself running around and throwing frisbees. Completed a 'run' animation, but haven't loaded it yet. I think I'm going to use .md2 models (the Quake II format), because they are pretty compact.


Edelman said...

whoa. dude. i hate everything that is apple, but this seems pretty baddass.

Laura Boffa said...

It's getting so good! If it's modeled off of your running, he's going to be a pretty quick little graphic...

Axis said...

Thanks guys!

Jason: Maybe it will be the iphone's killer app for people like you.

Laura: I can't really tell yet if the running looks like me. I'll have to animate some other people first in order to tell the difference.