Saturday, August 14, 2010

iOS 3.1 buttons!

There's a problem with iOS 3.1 and CU version 1.1. I've submitted a fix and it looks like they'll review it on monday. Sorry about that!

Here are the new buttons I've made. I can't decide if they are too colorful. Maybe they should all be gray, and just labeled A,B, or C?


The Happy Man said...

I think the buttons look great! Major improvement over the original. Maybe they could be a little more transparent?

Ultimate fan2010 said...

I think the buttons should have their opacity lowered. You might also want to consider changing the green button, as it is te color of the field.

Axis said...

Sounds good, I'll make em a bit transparent. Maybe yellow instead of green?

Ultimate Fan2010 said...

Yellow sounds like a good idea to me. Any idea when the 3.1.2 crash will be fixed? I'm sad that I can't play it durin long trips now.

Axis said...

I think they pushed me to the beginning of the review line, because it's a small, crucial update. But, I think they only do reviews on weekdays, so I expect it to come out tomorrow (Monday).

Ultimate fan2010 said...

Any news on the update? It's tuesday where I am.

Axis said...

Sorry, no news. Apple hasn't yet gotten back to me.

Axis said...

The update is in. Thanks for your patience.

Ultimate fan2010 said...

Axis, I found a few bugs in 1.1 for 3.1.2. First off, there is Jo slider to rotte your player when you have the disc, so you are stuck facng that direction. Second, of you pause or quit the game the menus try To fit the landscape mode under the portrait mode, so it is hard to see.

Axis said...

Check out the help files for info on the new controls. But basically, you hold down the red button and then use the DPad to turn.

I think I fixed that pause menu bug in the development version (which will become 1.2), but thanks anyway for reporting it.

The Happy Man said...

Nice update! Works on my iphone 2g now. :D AI feels a lot smarter this time around. Are you going to fix the players to have the ability to collide with walls out of bounds rather than running through? New throws feel sweet too. I have some other suggestions.

In training mode (two players you can control) could you make the camera the same as if you're playing the game? I was trying to practice passing long hucks to players, but it's inconsistent in training.

Also, for the turning, I think what would be even easier is having the player swipe sideways to turn would be even easier/more accurate. Like slow wipes = small turn and hard swipes = fast turn. just doesn't feel natural to hold a button and use the d-pad to turn.

Anyways, great update, Axis!

Axis said...


Yea I should fix people running through the walls. I didn't want to check for that collision every frame (might be a little slow), but I think there's an easier way...

I thought the same thing as you did about the warmup mode camera. I already changed it. :)

About the turning...are you saying just swipe anywhere on the screen? (Like, in the empty space between the buttons and the DPad?) That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure I'll get to that for 1.2, but I'll look into it in the future.

Thanks for the feedback!

The Happy Man said...

Yeah, swipe in empty spaces to turn like other first person shooters for the iphone/ipod touch.

Minor cosmetic suggestion, but any chance we'll see casted shadows below the player in future updates?

Also, when the opposing team is pulling, the split second camera that is behind your team seems really out of place. Maybe getting rid of that split second camera all together would work better.

Axis said...

Thanks for the pulling camera suggestion. Fixed it in half a line of code...

Shadows...hmm. Well, real shadows are usually pretty expensive to render, especially, I would guess, on older iPhones. But, I think there are pretty convincing ways to fake them. I assume it's a fair amount of work, but I'll definitely look into it.

The turning suggestion is good, but since it will require redoing some of the input system, I'm going to leave it for 1.3 (since I'm already doing the help files for 1.2).

Axis said...

Err, let me rephrase that. If other games can do it, I'm sure I can too.

The Happy Man said...

Oh, out of curiosity, how will the AI improve in the next update? I'm beating Hard difficulty pretty easily just waiting for my players to make their cuts. I haven't seen them perform layout d's and hammers yet.

Also, I'm kinda cheating by having one of my players stall count and controlling my player to stand in the way of the opposing handler (double teaming). Maybe set it up where if one person is performing a stall count, there exists like a 2 foot perimter around those two to prevent anyone from double teaming.

Axis said...

There is actually a mechanism already in place to prevent double teaming. If you're within 10 feet (the actual rule), then your player won't be able to catch the disc, and they should ignore you as a defender. Obviously there are some other things going on that cause poaching to be too effective...

Basically, in 1.1., the AI is too afraid that any defender will run out and D the disc if it's at all possible. But, in real life, it's rare that a defender will make an amazing poach D, because often they don't even see the disc thrown, or at least don't react in time. So, in 1.2, they are less worried about poach defenders, which lets them take bigger risks, which usually works out.

They still won't layout or throw hammers in this version (I'll try to get AI layouts in 1.3) I think on the whole the difficulty has been bumped up a bit, but I'm not sure exactly how much.

The Happy Man said...

Nice. Sounds like version 1.2 is gonna have some massive updates. Looking forward to it! :)

Axis said...

Ok, the AI has a new trick to deal with poaches now. :)

Unknown said...

Hello,please re-introduce this amazing game to the market or send me some private link to this game if its possible. Please. thank you for answer. ( my email is: )